Malaysia is a country that has its own special features with its people consisting of various races, languages, and religions with various customs and cultures. It can be said that Malaysia is also a place where the biggest religions in the world meet.

It is common to hear when Muslims celebrate festivals for other religions, there are some questions about whether the law 'resembles non-Muslims' or in Arabic it is called 'al-tasyabbuh bil kuffar' involving some acts that are originally practices of other religions.

If seen during the beginning of Islam, people from various cultures and geographical areas embraced Islam but still maintained their cultural identity. They do not become "Arabs" just because they become Muslims.

For example, if seen nowadays, for a Chinese Muslim, the New Year celebration is an important event that displays their ethnic and cultural identity. Even today, Chinese New Year is a cultural celebration and not a festival based on religious rituals.


Therefore, can Muslims celebrate Chinese New Year? The short answer is: yes. Islam is established not on the basis of belief limited to one cultural entity. This is a belief that is relevant to all of humanity across time, place and ethnicity.

If seen from a positive point of view, we will find that this practice can actually strengthen the relationship and harmony between the races among the ethnic diversity in Malaysia.

It is not the purpose of Islam to eliminate the culture or custom of a race, rather it is to identify and reject practices that are against the Sharia, such as religious rituals that are indeed against the Islamic Sharia. In reality, the Prophet SAW did not discard all pre-Islamic practices.

The presence of Muslims to the open house of other religious festivals will actually make them feel appreciated and celebrated and at the same time it is necessary to maintain good manners and not compromise with things that violate Islamic law.

This will eventually make Islam seen as a teaching that practices an attitude of tolerance and an attitude of openness in addition to dismissing the notion that Islam is a religion that is frozen (frozen) and can eliminate the Islamophobia that plagues today's world society in addition to being a medium of preaching to followers of other religions.

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Image source: BERNAMA

It is necessary for us to understand that the atmosphere of Malaysian society is a society that is too diverse in religion and belief. It is indeed our desire to foster unity between races and religions, but it does not mean that we should deny that there are absolute differences between religions that must have boundaries. Not to mention Islam as the federal religion in Malaysia.

On the other hand, if we better understand this difference then we will be more respectful of each other and we will be more successful in approaching them and further conveying the message of Islam more effectively.

Sahih hadith from His Majesty SAW through various lines of narration including from Abdullah ibn Umar who forbids simulating the infidels: " Whoever resembles a race, then he is part of them."

 (Narrated by Abu Dawud)

This hadith, if understood in general, seems to mean that whatever practices we imitate resemble other races, especially non-Muslims, then we also become part of them and infidels.

Such an understanding is wrong and does not refer to the syrah or interpretation of authoritative scholars regarding the true meaning of the hadith.

The hadith figure and imam of the Shafie School, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki (died 974 Hijrah) in his book al-Fatawa al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kubra in the chapter al-Riddah (Apostasy) mentions, similar to the infidels divided into three laws.

  • First, if there is an element of complicity with their disbelief or intending to imitate their religious teachings, then the law is unlawful and they fall into disbelief.
  • Second, when there is an element of exalting the teachings of a non-Islamic religion, but there is no intention of appeasing their disbelief, it is not a fall into disbelief but the law is sinful.
  • Third, if there is no intention to resemble at all, then the law must be
Image source: malaysiakini

From Imam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami's syrah, it can be understood that the infidels have what is prohibited and what is required. It is forbidden in Islam when we imitate, imitate practices or actions involving specific practices of non-Islamic religious teachings and promote their religious teachings.

Celebrating the celebration of other religions is not from the original Islamic culture, but it is not wrong as long as it does not violate the boundaries set by Shariah. The celebration is definitely not the same as or competing with the festivals prescribed by Islam because only Aidilfitri and Aidiladha are prescribed.

However, when there is a greater need and problem for Muslims to also take what is good from the practices of non-Muslims, then it is allowed if it conforms to the Sharia, i.e. it is not the religion of the infidels and their specific practices.

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Matters related to religion are among the issues that are mutually agreed upon as sensitive issues that should not be trifled with. Don't even belittle it because it only arouses the people's anxiety, creates chaos and affects the harmony of society.

May Allah swt continue to pour out the blessings of peace and well-being in our society and guide us to things that please Him and bestow blessings on us. God knows best.

After all, Muslims need to know clearly whether a practice is part of the culture of a race or their religious ceremony. Muslims are allowed to participate in any matter involving the cultural customs of a race or ethnicity provided it does not conflict with Islamic shariah. But Muslims are forbidden to be involved at all in matters related to non-Muslim religious ceremonies.

Date of Input: 05/03/2024 | Updated: 05/03/2024 | asmunir


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Selangor Darul Ehsan